If you are interested in developing your company on a French, Swiss, Tunisian or Malagasy market, contact us and use the opportunity which International Business Incubator offers!
On 7 April 2018 5 cities: Saint-Etienne (France), Sierre (Switzerland), Monastir (Tunis), Tamatave (Madagascar), Katowice (Poland) as well as local institutions which endorse business such as Chambers of Commerce, Universities, Science and Technology Parks signed a letter of intent.
Cities agreed to cooperate to support local companies in establishing business relations with the cities of this project. The project is based on the following actions:
- building relations between institutions in cities which endorse business,
- building relations between companies which are interested in entering foreign markets. Preparing stay for companies from partner cities,
- sharing the best practices from economic development with particular focus on development of small and middle-sized companies, start-ups; also supporting their development outside their home country. Creating tools of support and training courses,
- developing a contact list and encouraging further cities to join the network,
- cooperation between Municipal Business Incubators from the network.
Those actions take down „the entry barriers” for small and middle-sized companies on foreign markets. Something which seemed to be impossible becomes available within reach. A company is helped in establishing first business relations outside their home country which will, within short time, boost its development.